Set the properties of the insulator substrate rectangle according to the following table. Press on arrow on the STRUCTURES button and select a RECTANGLE from the pull-down menu.We will start with the geometric parameters determined in the MODE getting started example. The final three sections describe how to run the simulation, plot simulation results like field profiles and transmission spectra, and calculate the S parameters for this ring resonator device. If you prefer to skip this section, a copy of the completed simulation file is provided on the first page of the tutorial. The first section (Object setup) describes how to setup the simulation from a blank simulation file, based on the design obtained in part 1. Part 3: Final parameter extraction using FDTD Part 2: Parameter extraction and Monte Carlo using MODE Part 1: Design and initial simulation using MODE Part 3 does the final simulation and parameter extraction using a 3D FDTD simulation. In Part 2, we will consider how to carry out the parameter extraction and Monte Carlo analysis process for this design. Free spectral range (FSR) and quality factor (Q factor) are key performance metrics for this silicon on insulator (SOI) based waveguide design targeting on-chip communication applications. Part 1 of the ring resonator tutorial uses MODE to design and simulate a ring resonator.